Reimbursable Employee Expenses
Generally, if an employee incurs legitimate business expenses on behalf of the company and pays for those expenses using their own money or a personal credit/charge card, the employee, subject to the company’s policy and its ownership or management’s approval, may submit a company expense report with the proper receipts/backup for reimbursement through the company.
Cash Flow Projections
A cash flow projection is another tool to help manage and monitor the financial health of your business and for fiscal year planning and budgeting. In a cash flow projection, you are projecting your potential monthly cash inflows and outflows.
Your Business Bank Account Is Not A Personal Expense Account
It should go without saying that your business bank account is intended for legitimate business transactions and is not to be used as a personal expense account.
Reimbursement of Business Expenses
If you (the business owner) or your employees need to use a personal credit or charge card (or even cash) for legitimate business-related expenses, complete a business expense report with an itemized list of the transactions.
Managing Business Credit or Charge Cards
If you need to issue a business credit or charge card to certain employees, be sure to have a clear policy on the proper use of the cards.
Business Credit or Charge Cards
When evaluating business credit or charge cards, carefully review all the different account offerings available.